Monday, August 6, 2007

AGC 28: Ascension / Abandonment, Part Six

Ascension / Abandonment

Part VI: The Final Christmas

the Twenty-Eighth Tale

ASGARD - The Residence of Ash’lin

2200 / December

Kovar the Accuser looked at Ash’lin of the Shi’ar contemptuously, "Surely, Skrull 4 can not be the traitor."

Ash’lin’s face was expressionless, "Surely."

The Shi’ar and Kree representatives to the Council, the Alliance brought about by the Eternal War, Ash’lin and Kovar had an uneasy relationship - though neither trusted the other, they knew they were outsiders on the Council, mistrusted and mistrusting of the Asgardians, Skrulls and Earthers.

"It must be a Council member," Kovar continued, "because only the Council knew of the mission to retrieve the war reserve of gold from Olympus.* That there is a spy among us is no longer a question. Perhaps the spy had nothing to do with the disappearance of Olympus itself, but clearly the traitor delivered Moonstar into the hands of her former mentor, Bruunhilde. And surely …"

* AGC 22 - Poisoned Moonlight

"You are in favor with that word today," Ash’lin smiled at the blue-skinned Kree. "Why are you so sure that the Skrull can not be the traitor?"

Kovar scoffed, "Skrull 4 has not the heart to betray the Council. The only hope for the Skrull race to leave their welfare state lies in their alliance with the Council."

"Is that so, Kovar?" Ash’lin asked, her hand reaching for an exotic fruit imported from Chandilar. "Shi’ar intelligence reports that the Kree are using Skrulls as slave labor."

Kovar eyed her harshly, "The Kree are doing nothing the Shi’ar are not, Ash’lin." *

* As seen in AGC 18, both the Kree and Shi’ar are guilty of mistreating the Skrull refugees.

Ash’lin laughed, "An astute political observation, Kovar. But if not Skrull 4, then who? Could the new Earth Ambassador betray the Council so quickly?"

"Empire? No, though his assistant, the infuriating Miss Almond-"

Ash’lin cut in, disliking when Kovar talked of other women, "Or it could be you, Kovar. The Kree do not have a history to sticking with their treaties."

"And the Shi’ar do?" Kovar countered. "The spy could be any of us."

"Which, I would imagine," Ash’lin frowned, "is just what Thanos would want."


2022 / December

"You can’t be serious, Steve!"

President Tony Stark stood with Captain America in a private room inside an Attilan church, where the heroes of the world had gathered for the funeral of Crystal; a victim of the Deviant / Eternal attack on the now destroyed Titan.*

* Last issue

Steve Rogers sighed loudly, letting Stark know that he wasn’t happy to be having this conversation. "You don’t know what it’s like out there, Tony." Steve’s eyes went to the window, looking out on the glorious city of Attilan, "The Eternals and Deviants are hitting planet after planet, seemingly at random, destroying a city or a village. Destruction follows them, and we follow a step behind that. If it wasn’t for Crystal, many of us never would have returned."

Stark slammed his fist down onto a table, "Listen to yourself, Steve! This is madness! Captain America is turning his back on Earth to go dancing around the stars?"

Steve turned around, eyeing Tony hard, "I’m not turning my back on anything, Tony, and you know it. I’m going - we’re all going - to solve a problem, Earth’s problem. For every city, for every life, that the Eternals and Deviants take, sentiment grows against Earth. We can’t survive a full-out assault from the space empires, Tony. Earth just isn’t equipped to battle on that level."

"Doom tried such a strategy and failed, Steve."

"Only because of Kang’s interference."*

* In AGC 24

President Stark threw up his hands, "The American public thinks you’re betraying them, Steve! Have you seen the headlines? They’re calling you a traitor, the 21st century Benedict Arnold!"

"Only because they don’t know all the facts," Steve reasoned.

"I don’t think you realize just what you’re doing."

"Is that Stark the Avenger or Stark the politician talking?" Steve asked sharply.

Stark’s face reddened with anger, "What does that mean? Or has Hawkeye and all his sell-out talk gotten to even you, Steve?"

"Gentlemen," a gentle voice interrupted them; they turned to see Karnak standing in the doorway with Vice-President Felicia Hardy. "We are ready to begin."

Two Days Later

The White House

9:03 PM EST

President Stark sat behind his desk inside the Oval Office and addressed the nation.

"My fellow Americans, I come before you tonight to discuss Captain America’s recent announcement of his decision to leave Earth behind for the stars. While I respect Captain America’s decision, and join all Americans in our mutual respect and appreciation for his actions, there is no one who is above the law. Not even Captain America, our finest citizen. The truth is this, America - we need Captain America to stay here and help in our continuing fight against the super-powered villain community. While Prison One has been an unqualified success in detaining criminals, it is now the size of a small city. Seven thousand criminals and security forces now reside within it’s walls. We are winning the battle, America, but the war is not yet won.

"It would be my hope that Captain America, a soldier of the highest order, would agree with that assessment, but he does not.

"I have no doubt that if he were to leave this great planet and battle amongst the stars that the fights he would fight would be righteous ones, but what of the fight here at home? I have heard from many of you over the past week. Greg Kasa, a six year old from Tupelo, Mississippi wants to know why America is no longer good enough for Captain America? Ed Johns, a construction worker from Staten Island, wants me to know that his great-great grandfather fought in World War II alongside Captain America and that it would make his old man sick to his stomach to hear that Captain America would turn his back on the United States. No doubt many of you share these sentiments. Some of you think Captain America has paid his debt to us over and over again, and if he wants to leave, we should let him.

"I know, America, that the opinion you are truly most interested in is mine, and that is why I have taken this time this evening to make my feelings known.

"The loss of Captain America - and the heroes he will take with him - compounded already by the loss of Reed and Sue Richards, Pietro and Crystal Maximoff to the stars, will leave the United States is a dire predicament, exposed to foreign threats, exposed to the villains that walk among us, causing chaos in all of our cities. Captain America is not just our greatest hero, but our greatest symbol against the villains that seek to prey on us. Without Captain America, I fear, villains from all over the world will take it as a sign that the United States is weak and easy prey for their plans of destruction.

"It is, therefore, with a sad heart that I must announce that I am formally, as President of the United States declaring the Abandonment of Earth by Captain America as a treasonous act against the United States. The absence of so many heroes would leave the United States weakened, placing its citizens in danger.

"Let me make my words clear, America. If Captain America abandons the United States, the United States will brand him a traitor and he will never again be welcome inside our land."

Two Days Later

Avengers Mansion

Briefing Room

"This meeting is called to order."

Steve Rogers lets the assembled crowd settle down before continuing. Behind him stood an assemblage of First Age heroes: the Thing, Scarlet Witch, Henry Pym, Vision, Wonder Man, the Black Knight, Cannonball, Siryn, Shadowcat, Colossus and Nightcrawler. Steve began: "Thank you for coming. I have called this meeting to explain to you, my teammates, the actions that I and others are making. The rumors you have heard are, in fact, true. We are leaving the Earth."

He paused, letting it sink in. "Any questions?"

The assembled heroes, mostly made up of heroes that came into existence in the past ten years and looked to the standing heroes as the old guard, squirmed in their seats. These people were all legends (not to mention that some of them were pushing 50; Cannonball was the youngest and he was just a hair under 40), but the television.

"Um, yeah," a young man raised his hand. "I, uh, notice that all of the Fantastic Four are leaving? What does that mean for-"

The Thing boomed, "That means there ain’t no more Fantastic Four as far as this dirtball planet is concerned!"

"Easy, Ben," Shadowcat placed a hand on the Thing’s large, rocky arm, then turned to the young hero. "You’re Hard Light, correct?" The hero nodded. "The Fantastic Four is leaving. We can not stand by here as the killers of Crystal roam the spaceways freely. When they are brought to justice, the Fantastic Four will return."

"That’s why we have called you here," Captain America continued. "You are the best hope for the future of Earth. Even if we stayed, we are getting older, slowing down. We have trained many of you. You are ready for this."

"And if we are not?" a young hero named Orthodox asked solemnly.

"Well, kid," Wonder Man replied, "you’d just better be."

"When will you leave?" the young Daredevil asked, causing the older heroes to wonder what had happened to the original hero to wear that costume.

"After Christmas," Captain America answered, "but before the first of the New Year."

One Week Later

United Nations

General Assembly

Attilan’s Junior Ambassador, Kendra, stood at the Podium, looking out at the world. The UN had been abuzz at the talk of what the announcement Attilan would make today would be. Kendra answered their questions with a simple statement.

"Please look to the screen behind me," she announced, and the screen flickered on, to an image of Attilan. Inhumans were pouring out of their city-nation, headed for several small rockets. No one on the General Assembly said a word as the minutes rolled by and Inhumans finished loading into the seven rockets.

Finally, at long last, Black Bolt, King of the Inhumans, and his Queen, Medusalith, exited the city. Medusa held aloft an electronic device and, pushing a button (humans loved dramatics, she had learned), a shining metal dome moved quickly up out of the ground to surround the city.

Kendra spoke again, "We are returning to the Moon. Those of you who wished us to leave this planet now have your wish. Attilan, the most technologically advanced city in your world, is yours for the taking.

"If you can get inside."

Christmas Day, 2022

United States World War II Monument, Washington, D.C.

While the rest of the heroes spent their final Christmas with their friends and families, one hero spent his time elsewhere, at the World War II Monument in Washington, D.C. Steve Rogers came today as Captain America; he'd thought of coming just as regular old Steve Rogers, but it was Captain America who'd served with these men, who they'd put their faith in.

"We won that war, didn't we?" Steve thought to himself. "Lost more lives than anyone could have wished for, but we won. Hitler, the Red Skull, Zemo … it took the entire world, banded together, to defeat the Nazi's but we did it. Could any number of lives have been too many too lose to stop them? Even today the influence of the Reich is out there, festering wherever hate will have it.

"Can I really leave Earth behind?"

"Penny for your thoughts, Captain?"

Captain America turned at the words to see Dani Moonstar, dressed in full Asgardian garb, resting on a horse nearby. "It is Christmas, Captain. Shouldn't you be with your family?"

Steve eyed Dani carefully, "You're a Valkyrie, again?"

"Aye," Dani nodded.

Steve turned back to the Monument, "This is my family."

"Then we have something in common," Dani said softly, "living amongst the dead." She dropped down from her steed, patting the creature gently. "It isn't easy, is it? Staying young as your friends get old? I have noticed this already. My times as a Valkyrie have kept me young. I see lines on the faces of Sam or Theresa that I have never seen on my own face. I see them worry over Canticle, their daughter that was lost on Titan, and wonder what that pain must be like. I have no want for children, Captain-"


"- Steve, because I don't think I could stand seeing my own child grow up and pass me in age. Have you had children?"



"Because there was never time, never …" Steve shook his head. "Never time."

Dani did not respond for several moments, and the grey cold day seemed to pour in around them. "You are leaving?"

"I am," Cap nodded.

"I am glad," Dani answered, and Steve turned quickly to face her.

"Why?" he asked.

Dani looked to the heavens, "Because Titan was only the beginning. Already, Odin is making plans for war against Thanos, though his anger grows with each passing day at Zeus' inability to join arms with them." She caught his eye, "Odin is convinced a war is coming, that Thanos has many plans that are about to come to fruition. Getting the Eternals to side with him was a key step, but by no means the only step."

"And Odin isn't motivated for vengeance against Valkyrie for her betrayal?"

Dani shrugged, "To Odin, and all Asgardians, vengeance is but a call to duty. Valkyrie's betrayal has wounded Asgard's pride, and that is a dangerous thing for anyone to do, but Odin does not act foolishly. The Eternals are cutting a path of destruction across the galaxy. With the Kree Empire still weakened, and the Shi'ar Empire desperately trying to put itself together after the reign of Doom, the Everything is ripe for Thanos' brand of conquest."

Steve listened, nodding, then held out a hand to the Valkyrie. "Come with me, Dani."

"Where to?" she asked, taking his hand.

"To a place which will remind us of the price of war," Steve answered, and led Dani away.

Six Hours Later

A Veteran's Hospital

"Was that your idea of a first date, Rogers?" Dani asked as they stood in a window, overlooking a cafeteria. "Serving Christmas dinner to veterans?"

Steve half-smiled, "These are the people of war that get forgotten, Dani. The people, not who we fight for, but who fight alongside us."

"Many of these men will think you a traitor to your country when you board that ship in the next few days," Dani challenged softly.

A twinge of pain flashed across Steve's face before it hardened into resolve, "I can not worry what others think. I can only do what's-"

Steve's words were cut short, as Dani Moonstar buried them in a smoldering kiss. Steve did not object.


RECORDED: 28 December 2022

I can not believe today is here, and yet, deep down, I knew it was coming. My studies, as a child, far in the future, spoke of the Abandonment of the Earth's Heroes. There were so-called "rebel texts" that my father, Uatu, snuck into my possession that called this time the Ascension. Not surprisingly, these texts were mostly written by the Asgardian historian, Beta Ray Bill.

It is a cold, but bright, day here in New York City, and a large crowd has gathered to see just what will happen. Will the heroes leave? Which heroes will leave? Will Captain America bow to President Stark's threat?

All questions, it seems, are about to be answered. The heroes chose Central Park because they wanted the world to see them. They did not want anyone - especially Stark, who I'm happy to say, isn't too high on these heroes' lists right now - to accuse them of sneaking off in the middle of the night.

Three Fantasti-Cars pull up and the heroes depart them to head for the space craft that will take them to the stars. From the first cart, the members of the Fantastic Four - Thing, Shadowcat, Colossus and Nightcrawler - emerge. Their faces are sullen and there is no bounce in their step. The second car contains two founding members of the Liberty Squad - Cannonball and Siryn - along with the Black Knight, the leader of the Defenders. The third car deposits the Avengers contingent: the Scarlet Witch, Henry Pym, the Vision and Wonder Man.

A murmur goes instantly through the crowd, Where is Captain America?

The gathered heroes mill about, cautiously glancing at each other and their watches. Cap couldn't have decided to stay, could he?

"Have you seen him today?" Henry Pym asks the Black Knight.

Dane Whitman grunts in response, but Siryn answers for him, "No one has seen him since the meeting at Avengers Mansion."

A reporter from SCN starts talking wildly into her microphone, wondering about Cap's presence. But then, in a manner much to his dislike, but a manner in which he is familiar, nonetheless, Captain America arrives, walking silently through the crowd. Everyone parts for him as he passes, some with a stunned look on their face, some with anger. A few, even, look like they are about to cry.

Captain America reaches the assembled heroes, shaking the Thing's hand. "Let's do this," I hear him say.

He walks to the microphone and it seems as if the whole world silences for this, his final words to the people of Earth:

"People of Earth, the heroes behind you are leaving for the stars. I know many of you can not understand what we're doing. I know many of you are angry and confused, wondering how we can turn our backs on the planet Earth that has been our home for so long. I can answer you only with the truth. We go where the fights need to be fought. Here, there is a world full of heroes, in all countries, ready, willing and able to fight the good fight. But out there," he glanced to space with his eyes, "there aren't. Out there, people of Earth are killing innocent people." He paused. "We go to stop them. It is our hope that you understand. You shall fill our memories for the rest of our days. Farewell."

And with that, they file into their spacecraft, fire up the engines, and head for the stars, leaving us all behind.

- krk -




It is wrong, I suppose, for those left behind to hate the heroes that left. They thought, they had every right to think, that the heroes left behind would be more than up to any challenge.

We really shouldn't blame them for being wrong. But we do. We all do.

It is just a sad irony that the heroes who abandoned Earth take more of the blame than the Masters of Evil, themselves.


ASCENSION / ABANDONMENT to be continued …

Attilan, the most technologically advanced city in your world, is yours for the taking. If you can get inside.

-- MBQ ...4 June 2001

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